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Takes a list of parsed Shinylive applications and writes each to its own numbered subdirectory. Creates consistently numbered directories with proper padding (e.g., app_01, app_02) and preserves all application files and metadata.


write_apps_to_dirs(apps, base_dir)



List of parsed Shinylive applications. Each application should contain:

  • engine: Character string identifying the app type ("r" or "python")

  • options: List of YAML-style options from the original code block

  • files: Named list of file definitions, each containing:

    • name: Character string of the file name

    • content: Character string of the file content

    • type: Character string indicating the file type


Character string. Base directory where application subdirectories should be created. Will be created if it doesn't exist.


The function performs these steps:

  1. Creates the base directory if needed

  2. Calculates proper padding for subdirectory numbers

  3. For each application:

    • Creates a padded, numbered subdirectory (e.g., app_01, app_02)

    • Writes all application files, preserving directory structure

    • Creates a metadata JSON file with engine and options info

Directory Structure

Creates a directory structure like:

|-- app_01/
|   |-- app.R
|   |-- data/
|   |   `-- example.csv
|   `-- shinylive_metadata.json
|-- app_02/
|   |--
|   `-- shinylive_metadata.json
`-- ...

Metadata File

Each directory includes a shinylive_metadata.json file containing:

  "engine": "r",
  "options": {
    "viewerHeight": 500,
    "...": "..."

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example apps list structure
apps <- list(
    engine = "r",
    options = list(viewerHeight = 500),
    files = list(
      "app.R" = list(
        name = "app.R",
        content = "library(shiny)\n...",
        type = "text"
    engine = "python",
    options = list(),
    files = list(
      "" = list(
        name = "",
        content = "from shiny import App\n...",
        type = "text"

write_apps_to_dirs(apps, "extracted_apps")
} # }