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Attempts to locate and validate a Shinylive app.json file from a given base URL. The function tries multiple possible paths and validates both the HTTP response and JSON structure.





Character string. The base URL to search for app.json.


A list with three components:

  • valid Logical indicating if a valid app.json was found

  • url Character string of the successful URL, or NULL if not found

  • data List containing the parsed JSON data if valid, NULL otherwise


The function performs the following steps:

  1. Generates three possible paths to check:

    • The base URL as provided

    • base URL + `"/app.json"“

    • Parent directory + "/app.json"

  2. For each path:

    • Attempts an HTTP GET request

    • Verifies the content type is JSON

    • Parses and validates the JSON structure

    • Returns immediately if valid app.json is found


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Direct app.json URL
result <- find_shinylive_app_json("")

# Directory containing app.json
result <- find_shinylive_app_json("")

# Check if valid
if (result$valid) {
  cat("Found app.json at:", result$url)
} # }