Searches for the rotation that maximizes the estimated negentropy of the first column of the rotated data, and of the second variable fixing the first, for \(q = 3\) dimensional data. The routine uses a random start for the function optim using the simulated annealing option SANN, hence one may wish to increase the number of attempts by setting nstart to a integer larger than 1.
negent3D(y, nstart = 1, m = 100, ...)
The \(N \times 3\) data matrix.
The number of times to randomly start the search routine.
The number of angles (between 0 and \(\pi\)) over which to search to find the second variables.
Further optional arguments to pass to the optim
function to control the simulated annealing algorithm.
A `list` with the following components:
The \(3 x 3\) orthogonal matrix G that optimizes the negentropy.
Estimated negentropies for the three rotated variables, from largest to smallest.