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Processes schedule and instructor information from a Stanford course section XML node. This function extracts meeting times, locations, and detailed instructor information, combining multiple instructors' data into semicolon-separated lists.





An xml2 node object representing a course section. Expected to contain child nodes for:

  • schedule nodes, each containing:

    • days

    • startTime

    • endTime

    • location

    • Optional instructor nodes, each containing:

      • name

      • sunet

      • role


A tibble containing schedule information, or NULL if no schedules are found. The tibble includes:

Basic schedule information:

  • section_id: Character. Section identifier (from classId)

  • days: Character. Days of the week (e.g., "MonWedFri")

  • start_time: Character. Start time

  • end_time: Character. End time

  • location: Character. Meeting location

Instructor information (NA if no instructors):

  • instructors: Character. Combined strings in "name (role)" format

  • instructor_names: Character. Semicolon-separated list of names

  • instructor_sunets: Character. Semicolon-separated list of SUNet IDs

  • instructor_roles: Character. Semicolon-separated list of roles


The function performs the following steps:

  1. Locates all schedule nodes within the section

  2. For each schedule:

    • Extracts basic schedule information (days, times, location)

    • Processes instructor information if present

    • Combines multiple instructors' data into consolidated strings

Instructor information is formatted in several ways:

  • Combined format: "name (role)"

  • Separate fields: names, SUNet IDs, and roles in semicolon-separated lists

If no instructors are found, instructor fields are set to NA.

Error handling

If schedule data extraction fails, the function throws an error with details.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
section_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(course_node, ".//section")
schedule_data <- extract_schedule_data(section_node)
} # }