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Checks for the existence of cached XML files in the cache directory. Can check for files for a specific department, academic year, or combination of both. If no filters are specified, checks if any cache files exist.


cache_exists(name = NULL, year = NULL, cache_dir = NULL)



Character string. Optional department code (e.g., "CS") to check for specific department cache files.


Character string. Optional academic year in YYYYYYYY format (e.g., "20232024") to check for cache files from a specific year.


Character string. Optional path to the cache directory. If NULL, uses the default cache location.


A logical value:

  • TRUE if matching cache files exist

  • FALSE if no matching files found or if check fails


The function supports three checking modes based on parameter combinations:

  1. Department-specific: When name is provided

    • Checks for: "{name}.xml" or "{name}_{year}.xml" if year provided

  2. Year-specific: When only year is provided

    • Checks for: Any files matching "*_{year}.xml"

  3. General check: When neither name nor year provided

    • Checks for: Any "*.xml" files in cache directory

On error (e.g., permission issues), the function:

  • Issues a warning with error details

  • Returns FALSE to allow graceful error handling

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Check if any cache exists
if (cache_exists()) {
  # Process cached data

# Check specific department cache
if (cache_exists(name = "CS")) {
  cached_data <- read_xml_cache("CS")

# Check specific year
if (cache_exists(year = "20232024")) {
  # Process cached data for year

# Check specific department and year
if (cache_exists(name = "CS", year = "20232024")) {
  cached_data <- read_xml_cache("CS", "20232024")
} # }