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The goal of uiucdata is to provide data sets available at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) to a diverse group of individuals with a low barrier for entry.


You can install uiucdata from github with:

# install.packages("remotes")


There are two ways to access the data contained within this package.

The first is to load the package itself and type the name of a data set. This approach takes advantage of R’s lazy loading mechansim, which avoids loading the data until it is used in R session. For details on how lazy loading works, please see Section 1.17: Lazy Loading of the R Internals manual.

# Load the `uiucdata` package

# See the first 10 observations of the `fall_enrolled_ranking` dataset

# View the help documentation for `fall_enrolled_ranking`

The second approach is to use the data() command to load data on the fly without and type the name of a data set.

# Loading `fall_enrolled_ranking` without a `library(ucidata)` call
data("fall_enrolled_ranking", package = "uiucdata")

# See the first 10 observations of the `fall_enrolled_ranking` dataset

# View the help documentation for `fall_enrolled_ranking`

Included Data Sets

The following data sets are included in the ucidata package:

Build Scripts

Want to see how each data set was imported? Check out the data-raw folder!


This repository uses submodules as a way to store data. This allows for us to have the repositories contents as the final data product. As a result, we avoid increase the size of the repository since the raw data is now tracked in a separate repository. For more details, please see GitHub’s Working with Submodules post.

Example submodule inclusion statement

# Add Excellent Teacher Data in data-raw
git submodule add data-raw/excellent-teachers

NB This repository is made by an employee of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who is not the author of this data package.

Raw grade data

git submodule add data-raw/grade-dist