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Transforms an RMarkdown file into two separate files: filename-assign and filename-solutions


  output_dir = NULL,
  output_format = c("html_document", "pdf_document"),
  assign_file = TRUE,
  soln_file = TRUE,
  zip_files = TRUE,
  render_files = TRUE



Input .Rmd file with -main.Rmd in the filename.


Output directory. Defaults to name of prefix of filename.


Output file type. Any rmarkdown::render() output format should work. Defaults to generating both an HTML and PDF output with c("html_document", "pdf_document").


Generate Student Assignment Material. Default is TRUE.


Generate Solution Material. Default is TRUE.


Create a zip file containing the relevant materials. Default is TRUE.


Create HTML and PDF output for each Rmd file. Default is TRUE.


The function will generate assignment files for students and solution keys for instructors.


The file parameter must have the suffix -main.Rmd. The reason for requiring this naming scheme is all work should be done in the "main" document. By enforcing the naming requirement, we are prevent work from being overridden.

Folder structure

If output_dir is specified, then it will be used as the parent for two folders: *-assign and *-sol, where * is given by the part preceeding -main.Rmd. Inside the folders, there will be html, pdf, and Rmd documents alongside a zip a folder containing all of the documents.


# Obtain an example file
hw00_file = get_example_filepath("hw00-main.Rmd")

if(interactive()) {

# Generate both PDF and HTML outputs for assign and solution.
assignr(hw00_file, "test")
#> Building hw00-assign files
#> Creating a zip file for hw00-assign
#> Building hw00-soln files
#> Creating a zip file for hw00-soln

# Generate only the assignment
assignr(hw00_file, "assignment-set", soln_file = FALSE)
#> Building hw00-assign files
#> Creating a zip file for hw00-assign

# Generate only the solution
assignr(hw00_file, "solution-set", assign_file = FALSE)
#> Building hw00-soln files
#> Creating a zip file for hw00-soln

# Create only HTML documents for both assignment and solution files.
assignr(hw00_file, "test-html", output_format = "html_document")
#> Building hw00-assign files
#> Creating a zip file for hw00-assign
#> Building hw00-soln files
#> Creating a zip file for hw00-soln

# \dontshow{
# Clean up generated directories
unlink("test", recursive = TRUE)
unlink("assignment-set", recursive = TRUE)
unlink("solution-set", recursive = TRUE)
unlink("test-html", recursive = TRUE)
# }