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shinytangle provides inline interactive widgets for Shiny applications, allowing you to embed interactive numeric inputs and outputs directly within text. This makes it easy to create dynamic, interactive narratives and explanations where users can adjust values and see results update in real-time.


You can install the development version of shinytangle from GitHub:

# install.packages("remotes")


Here’s an example of how to use shinytangle:


ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("shinytangle: Demo Inline"),
    "When you have", 
    inlineNumericInput("amount", 5, min = 0, max = 10), 
    "items, the total cost is",

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$cost <- renderInline({
    input$amount * 9.99

shinyApp(ui, server)

After installing the package, you can explore more examples of shinytangle by running:

# Display a triangle and adjust its size with a,b,c sliders
shiny::runExample("triangle-demo", package = "shinytangle")

# Multi-text statement example
shiny::runExample("text-statement-demo", package = "shinytangle")

# Try out the README example
shiny::runExample("readme-inline-demo", package = "shinytangle")

# See a list of all examples:
system.file("examples-shiny", package="shinytangle")