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This function builds a mapping between local files and their target paths in repositories, supporting both individual file mapping and bulk directory processing.


  dir = NULL,
  pattern = NULL,
  target_prefix = "",
  preserve_structure = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



Named arguments where names are local file paths and values are repository paths


Character string specifying a directory to search for files. Default is NULL.


Character string with a regular expression pattern to match files in dir. Default is NULL.


Character string to prefix to all target paths. Default is "".


Logical indicating whether to preserve directory structure in target. Default is FALSE.


Logical; if TRUE, suppresses information messages. Default is FALSE.


Returns an object of class "file_mapping" (which is just a marked up "list") containing:

  • A named list where each entry maps a local file path (name) to a target repository path (value)

  • Each key is the full path to a local file

  • Each value is the corresponding path where the file should be placed in repositories


The dir argument requires a valid directory path currently on the local filesystem. This directory is scanned for files matching the pattern regular expression, and each file is mapped to a target path in repositories. If the directory is not found, an error is thrown.

See also

print.file_mapping() to display the mapping in a formatted way.


# Map individual files with explicit source-to-target paths
mapping <- file_mapping(
  "local/path/ci.yml" = ".github/workflows/ci.yml",
  "local/path/lint.R" = ".lintr"
#> ! Local file does not exist: local/path/ci.yml
#> ! Local file does not exist: local/path/lint.R
#>  Created file mapping with 2 files

# Automatically map all R files from a directory to backup/R2/
workflow_mapping <- file_mapping(
  dir = system.file(package = "multideploy"),
  pattern = "\\.R$",
  target_prefix = "backup/R2/"
#> ! No files found in directory /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/multideploy

# Preserve directory structure when mapping files
template_mapping <- file_mapping(
  dir = system.file(package = "multideploy"),
  preserve_structure = TRUE
#>  Created file mapping with 20 files

# Combine explicit mappings with directory-based mappings
combined_mapping <- file_mapping(
  "specific/file.R" = "R/functions.R",
  dir = system.file(package = "multideploy"),
  target_prefix = ".github/"
#> ! Local file does not exist: specific/file.R
#>  Created file mapping with 21 files